Saturday, June 6, 2015

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Interview

           When I heard that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar were going to do an interview about Josh Duggar's repeated molestation of their four daughters over a two year span, I thought that they would take responsibility for their parenting failures and confront the terrible situation in a rational way, but I was wrong.
The interview was a complete disaster, but what more could be expected from Megyn Kelly and Fox News? You may remember Megyn Kelly as the "reporter" who back in 2013 told kids around the country, “And by the way for all you kids at home watching, Santa is white. We’re just debating this because some guy wrote an article but Santa is what he is.” My real issue with this interview is that rather than ask the Duggar’s tough questions about why they allowed Josh to repeatedly molest four of his sisters and a female baby sister, Megyn Kelly just let Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar make excuses for their son and for their own failures as parents. They even rolled out the tired old Sarah Palin line of claiming that they were being treated unfairly due to their Christian beliefs. Megyn Kelly also throughout the entire interview showed her bias by blasting the “liberal media” for their coverage of the scandal. It is clear to any that watched the interview that Megyn Kelly wants this whole issue to be swept back into the closet so we can go back to thinking that the Duggar's are America's perfect Christian family. 

If I had had the opportunity to ask the parents some questions, I would have asked them why it took so long for them to remove Josh from the home? He came to them and told them what he had done yet they still kept him in the house for a lengthy period until it became clear that he wasn’t going to stop; only then did they removed him from the home. Who knows how many times those girls were exposed to molestation due to that decision. Furthermore, I would ask when Michelle Duggar is going to apologize to the LGBT community for her abusive language and intolerance that she spewed out in Arkansas during the election cycle of 2014. Michelle recorded automated phone calls in staunch opposition to a city ordinance that would have allowed transgender individuals to use that restroom that they most comfortably identify with. She is quoted as saying, “I don’t believe the citizens of Fayetteville would want males with past child predator convictions that claim they are female to have a legal right to enter private areas that are reserved for women and girls.” Thus Michelle Duggar implied that transgender individuals have child predator convictions while covering for her son, Josh Duggar, who had actually molested his own sisters. This is the kind of hypocrisy that only Megyn Kelly and the rest of the Fox News staff can overlook. 

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